
NRLI: Issues Forum for New Executives: August 8-10, 2011 at The George Washington University

NRLI: Issues Forum for New Executives: August 8-10, 2011 at The George Washington University

To enrich the leadership knowledge, skills, and perceptions of rehabilitation leaders, through a powerful organizational learning experience that reinforces learning, creativity, strategic thinking, and passion for the public program of vocational rehabilitation.

The Institute is based on the dynamic partnership between San Diego State University and The George Washington University—both ranked in the top 10 of rehabilitation counseling programs in the United States. Independently, as well as collaboratively, these two institutions have a strong history of education, research, and partnership with vocational rehabilitation (VR) state agencies and tribal rehabilitation programs throughout the country. Through their cooperative efforts, the Institute offers an opportunity for rehabilitation leaders across the nation to enhance their knowledge, skills, and understanding to meet the constantly changing requirements and standards in the field of vocational rehabilitation.

The learning platform is conducted in the following formats:

The Executive ForumA three-day seminar targeting directors, chief deputy directors, and senior administrators of VR and tribal rehabilitation programs, and State Rehabilitation and State Rehabilitation Council chairs. The Forum is held at The George Washington University.

The Executive Leadership SeminarA series of  four one-week courses offered over an 18-month period, for directors, senior administrators, and emerging leaders. The nomination of persons who meet the criteria of selection is vested in the designated state unit’s administrator. The NRLI Advisory Board recommends the demonstrated ability to drive change within their organization. The first and second seminar sessions are at San Diego State University, the third is at The George Washington University in Washington D.C., and the final session is in San Diego.