Caren Sax, Ed.D.Caren Sax, Ed.D.

Phone: (619) 594-7183
(619) 594-4208

Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Sax is Professor and Chair of the Department of Administration, Rehabilitation, and Postsecondary Education and Director of the Interwork Institute at SDSU. In addition to her teaching responsibilities in the M.S. in Rehabilitation Counseling program and the Ed.D. in Educational Leadership/Community College Leadership Concentration, she administers a graduate-level Certificate in Rehabilitation Technology, which she developed with SDSU’s College of Engineering. Dr. Sax also coordinates the Supported Employment and Transition Specialist Certificate. As Director of the Interwork Institute, Dr. Sax oversees grants and contracts funded through federal and state resources that address the following areas: removing barriers to employment and increasing self-sufficiency for persons with disabilities; technical assistance for state agency and community rehabilitation personnel related to employment; systems change efforts to improve school-to-work transition services for students with disabilities as they exit the K-12 school system; professional development activities related to assistive technology and universal design, technical assistance for CA community college disability support programs, and more. Dr. Sax conducts training for rehabilitation counselors and administrators, community rehabilitation personnel, special educators, and disability organizations in the US and internationally and has published extensively in the disability field. She started her professional career as a special education and transition teacher in Tucson, Arizona.


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