Jim E. Warne, MSJim E. Warne, MS

Phone: (619) 594-6163
(619) 594-4208

Jim is a member of the Oglala Lakota (Sioux) Tribe. Jim earned a B.S. from Arizona State University and a M.S. from San Diego State University (SDSU).  He has also ear""ned a post-graduate certificate in Rehabilitation Administration (PET-RA) at SDSU.  Jim is the TVR CIRCLE Training Coordinator through CANAR and SDSU Interwork Institute.  Jim administers the Post Employment Training-American Indian Rehabilitation (PET-AIR) Post-Graduate Certificate Program and TACE Trainer at Interwork Institute.

""Jim is also President of his consulting firm, Warrior Society Development, LLC (WSD). He is contracted with SSA’s Ticket-to-Work for American Indian/Alaska Native outreach and Employment Network development through WSD. Jim has contracted with many various organizations and Tribal Nations for WSD, LLC consulting services. Jim is a motivational speaker with experience in professional football, Hollywood acting, Indian Country advocacy, youth development and academic/professional accomplishments.
