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What is the SDICCCA Faculty Fellowship Program?

A one-year program for prospective part-time and full-time community college counseling, library, and classroom faculty members. The Program is run through the San Diego and Imperial Counties Community College Association (SDICCCA), with support from San Diego State University.

Why was SDICCCA developed?

To enhance the knowledge, skills, and abilities of prospective community college counselors, librarians, and classroom faculty members; to identify and to recruit prospective faculty who have diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and abilities to contribute to the community college.

Why should I participate?

Fellows have the opportunity to work with a mentor and negotiate a year-long learning experience about the joys and challenges of counseling, library, or classroom community college faculty members. Mentors have the privilege to nurture a prospective colleague and to receive assistance in implementing teaching/librarianship/counseling strategies.

What is the cost for each fellow?

Fellows are required to pay the tuition for enrolling in one 2-unit course through San Diego State University's College of Global Campus. The cost is approximately $450 for the year-long internship experience. The cost of tuition is established by SDSU Global Campus and may differ each year.

When are mentors and fellows selected and matched?

Each spring semester Steering Committee members review applications of potential fellows. With guidance from Campus Coordinators, mentors select the individuals they feel best match their needs including teaching, counseling, librarianship, research, or shared governance interests.

Which disciplines are accepting fellows?

In order for a Mentor and fellow match to occur there must be both mentors and interested interns for that discipline.  Although mentors often express interest prior to the application period it is not until applications are received that matches are made and mentors are established.  

How can I participate?

  • If you are a potential mentor, or if you are a potential college wanting to participate in our program, please contact the SDSU Coordinator: through email:
  • If you are a potential fellow, review the application process .
  • During the months of the selection process , we recommend you learn as much as possible about the community college system and its current issues.  See the links page for additional information.