Current Students
Course Overview
Foundations of the Rehabilitation Process -
& ARP646 Vocational Assessment and Career Development - ARP740 Case Management and Rehabilitation Services (Distance Program Only)
Group Dynamics in Rehabilitation -
& ARP685B Medical and Psychological Aspects of Disability -
Placement Practices of Individuals with Disabilities -
& ARP 711 Seminar In Rehabilitation (Organizational Development & Program Development) -
& ARP745B Internship and Special Topics -
3 Units
This course will provide students with background and legislation information related to rehabilitation, including an overview of consumer resources and services, and roles and functions of the rehabilitation counselor as a professional person.
The student will :
- Understand the concepts of empowerment, individual initiative, career development, employment, and independent living related to individuals with disabilities;
- Understand the breadth and depth of the rehabilitation process and its application within various organizational settings;
- Demonstrate knowledge about elements of the rehabilitation process including philosophical tenets, ethical practices, consumerism, legislative history, organizational structures, and the federal, state, and community linkages;
- Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the public program of rehabilitation and other rehabilitation systems;
- Demonstrate written competency through the submission of an "article length," APA paper regarding a current issue in rehabilitation.
- Demonstrate teamwork and subject content knowledge through submission of a minimum 10 page, APA paper on one of six available topics.
6 Units
This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the following major areas in Vocational Assessment and Career Development :
- Theories of career development and vocational exploration;
- Resources of occupational information;
- Considerations and concerns of the career development of individuals with disabilities;
- Considerations and accommodations of vocational assessment and for individuals with disabilities;
- Role of assessment in guidance, exploration, and rehabilitation; and
- Contemporary trends and issues affecting assessment and vocational development.
This course will provide the students with information and experience needed to :
- Demonstrate knowledge of the major theories of vocational choice and career development;
- Demonstrate knowledge of varying types of assessment processes and instruments;
- Learn to administer, score, and interpret a variety of commercial testing products;
- Develop an approach to career counseling for persons with disabilities;
- Be able to effectively integrate assessment data with career development through case study approach.
ARP 740: Case Management and Rehabilitation Services (Distance Program Only)
3 Units
ARP 740, Case Management and Rehabilitation Services, provides an overview of case management policies, practices, ethical considerations, and topical issues related to the delivery of rehabilitation services in such contexts as the State/Federal Vocational Rehabilitation System, non-profit organizations, private rehabilitation, disability management, and healthcare. The course presents both didactic instruction and applied experience.
3 Units
The basic purpose of this course is to provide each student with the opportunity to enhance his/her understanding of the nature and function of group dynamics in a variety of rehabilitation settings. Group dynamics will be explored as it relates to the role and function of the rehabilitation professional.
The purposes of this course will be realized by the following means:
- Presentation of information on theories relevant to the understanding of group formation, development, and structure.
- Group dynamics will be experienced and evaluated at Site Meetings, and in a variety of community environments.
- Methods and examples of measurement and evaluation of group dynamics will be presented and practically applied at Site Meetings and in projects.
- Review of and experience with aspects of groups and group dynamics found in rehabilitation settings.
- Discussion on directed readings on the role of the rehabilitation professional as a change agent in group settings.
- Discussion of ethical issues that specifically relate to groups in rehabilitation and non-rehabilitation settings.
- Design and implementation of a field project to observe and evaluate group dynamics in a community human services setting.
- Presentation to class of abstract showing results of field 9. Participation in discussions (Message Board and at Site Meetings) and group exercises designed to illustrate specific techniques of group leadership and facilitation.
6 Units
The Student will :
Develop knowledge of several disability categories and specific conditions relative to the characteristics, diagnostic procedures, medical terminology, etiology, treatment options, prognosis, typical medications, and any psychosocial or vocational implications the conditions may suggest to include: traumatic brain injury, stroke, respiratory, neuromuscular functions, spinal cord injury, hand injury/cumulative trauma, chronic pain, amputation, and disfigurement;
- Explain the relationship of pathology, impairment, and disability to normal human physiology and function for effective vocational case management;
- Identify and discuss issues (e.g., managed care, technology, ethics) in the provision of comprehensive health care services and implications on rehabilitation case management;
- Describe the functions and relationship of specific medical specialists and health-related professionals (e.g., orthopedist, cardiologist, urologist, occupational therapist, physical therapist, prosthetist, audiologist) and the role and composition of a rehabilitation team;
- Analyze and describe the functional limitations imposed by a disability (ies); and
- Interpret medical information from simulated case studies to assist in rehabilitation planning and career decision making.
3 Units
This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the issues related to employment preparation, job development, and placement practices with individuals with disabilities. The course objectives will challenge the students to develop the ability to:
- Obtain and use labor market information;
- Utilize career / occupational materials ;
- Determine an individual's need for rehabilitation engineering;
- Refer individuals to other community resources when appropriate;
- Market the benefits of rehabilitation services to employers;
- Teach appropriate job seeking and job retention skills;
- Identify and contact employers regarding job opportunities;
- Evaluate work activities through the use of job and task analysis;
- Identify the prerequisite experiences and relevant training for career goals selected;
- Determine and resolve job adjustment problems;
- Modify and restructure jobs utilizing assistive devices; and
- Assist employers in identifying, modifying, and / or eliminating architectural, procedural, or attitudinal barriers toward individuals with disabilities.
ARP 710 : Seminar In Rehabilitation (Organizational Development)
3 Units
The goals of this course include the following:
- Provide students with an overview and assumptions about change in individuals and organizations;
- Expand students' knowledge of some of the basic concepts and principles of organizational theory;
- Assist students in their application of theories and principles to organizational diagnosis and development interventions.
- Help students develop an expanded awareness of how effective problem solving and decision-making contribute to ongoing organizational development and renewal;
- Expand student understanding and knowledge of leadership and its impact on organizational effectiveness;
- Assist students in developing an understanding of the interdependent and interactive nature of organizational diagnosis and development interventions;
- Provide opportunities for students to increase their knowledge base as effective inquiry-based counselors, managers, and leaders;
- Solicit student and small group analysis, reflection, and reaction to a number of contextually-related rehabilitation, educational, social, economic, and political publications;
- Provide relevant comparisons between counseling and organizational psychology;
- Learn about and experience the social psychology of groups and their development
3 Units
In this course, students will fully develop a plan that provides human services (education, employment, or quality of life) designed to impact community integration for individuals with disabilities. Students will develop a realistic and complete program solution from start to finish, based on a funding source which will inform and guide the process. Students will also have the opportunity to simulate a peer review board process by reviewing classmates' proposals.
Course Objectives: The student will:
- Research and develop a theoretically sound and realistic plan for the provision of human services, education and/or employment services designed to impact community (education and/or employment) integration;
- Identify a funding opportunity for a specific program;
- Develop an acceptable program using measurable objectives, relevant literature, actual experiences, work scope, statistics, and supporting references;
- Develop a budget and justification to fully implement this program for at least three years;
- Submit a formal written proposal for the program;
- Simulate a Peer Review Board process, rating and evaluating student submitted proposals and seeing how others rated and evaluated the same proposal.
ARP 744Int: Intermediate Practicum
3 Units
Fieldwork will focus on direct "experiential" approaches to agencies providing services to persons with disabilities (PWD). Exposure to a variety of consumers, rehabilitation issues, and professionals will occur through each student's work environment. Students will identify their strengths and areas for improvement and professional growth.
The goals of the course are:
- To provide the opportunity for the student to link the didactic and practical aspects of the role and function of the rehabilitation counselor; and
- To learn via direct consumer involvement (under university and agency supervision) about the assets and challenges of persons who are disabled.
Students will:
- Enhance their professional skills through practical experience with consumers and professionals;
- Understand agency policies, community resources, and procedures for service provision;
- Share resources and network with colleagues for future service needs;
- Apply general counseling/communication strategies to culturally diverse consumers;
- Identify professional strengths and areas for needed improvement;
- Evaluate their progress during the course, especially regarding areas for needed improvement; and
- Develop additional skills related to rehabilitation counseling (i.e. technology.)
6 Units
Objectives of the Course :
- To provide active learning opportunities that enable each student to further;
- Develop their skills and techniques and philosophical orientations of counseling;
- Psychology as applied to rehabilitation settings;
- To have students demonstrate a commitment to sustained personal growth and development through interpersonal interaction, reflective inquiry and introspection; and
- To develop an expanded knowledge base about individual behavior and the functioning of social systems such as groups and organizations.
Overview of Activities :
- Define and provide student initiated developmental goals for the practicum experience;
- Provide information on theories and techniques obtained from concurrent or prior formal/ informal learning experiences (counseling courses, practicums, rehabilitation fieldwork, current work settings, and other integrative and personal experiences);
- Participate in online discussion, face-to-face meetings, role playing, and demonstrations by the instructor and other students on a variety of theories and techniques during the practicum experience;
- Create experiences that demonstrate client focused individual and group problem solving techniques/behavior; further develop communication/relationship skills;
- Encourage sustained development of self and increased awareness of the social psychology of groups; and embrace the notion of becoming a "reflective practitioner".
- Provide constructive feedback using a formal rating system, including reflective analysis of applied counseling/communication skills;
- Discuss appropriate ethical behaviors as contextually-related to client interventions;
- Examine and discuss counselor values, beliefs, biases, and stereotypes related to disability, cultural diversity, gender differences, aging, and economic disparity and their relevance to the counseling relationship;
- Critique and evaluate peer counseling sessions through video and audio tape applications;
- Present role playing scenarios in dyads on the application of counseling / communication skills; and
- Participate in scheduled periodic and relevant social and personal growth experiences as provided by instructor.
6 Units
In addition to the projects described in the Special Topics process (above), students will use the first Special Topics course, ARP745, to complete the Internship hours needed for CRC accreditation. Students will maintain records of hours worked as Rehabilitation Counselors and periodically share issues or concerns regarding the job with their instructor.
Special Topics Overview
This series of courses is designed to provide each student with the opportunity to become knowledgeable in a topic of interest related to the field of Rehabilitation. These courses, taken over a year, provide adequate time to allow the student to analyze a topic of interest.
Students will develop:
- a needs assessment
- the goal and objectives for a solution
- a methodology
- and a prototype of the final product
- a proposal for a product and develop the product or prototype.
- Students have the flexibility to implement a variety of media or formats in their final product. For example a training program, a video, a web site, development of a new community resource, or a research effort would all be appropriate final products. Students are allowed to work individually or in small groups of up to four. Students will be guided independently by the course instructors and mentors.
ARP755 : Governance and Policy Development in Postsecondary & Disability Systems
3 Units
This course continues the work begun in previous Special Topics course(s) in the identification of a need in the Rehabilitation profession and development of a program or solution and accompanying prototype.
The student will:
Receive an overview of the primary service delivery systems utilized by rehabilitation counselors and transition specialists to coordinate and provide an effective and comprehensive combination of services for individuals with disabilities. The purpose of investigating these disability systems is to provide students with the working knowledge needed to utilize these systems to strengthen the services accessed by adults and transitioning students as they develop and manage their own rehabilitation and/or transition plans:
- investigate contemporary public policy and service delivery issues in the transition/rehabilitation fields;
- develop an understanding of existing perspectives of how disability systems work to meet the needs of persons with disabilities;
- develop collaborative strategies for accessing these systems;
- identify areas that can be strengthened in public policies to increase positive outcomes.
ARP607 : Applications in Rehabilitation Technology
3 Units
The purpose of this class is to equip rehabilitation professionals with the knowledge and skills to (1) assess consumers' need for assistive technology and (2) match those needs with opportunities. Class participants will have access to "experts" from rehabilitation engineering, occupational/physical/speech therapy, and electrical and mechanical engineering, in order to brainstorm ideas for modifications and adaptations. Participants will complete individual or group projects that focus on a worksite modification, individualized accommodation, or other considerations for accessibility. Course content will include accessing research on assistive technology devices, incorporating person centered planning strategies into assessment procedures, and collaborating with professionals and families in order to effectively integrate the assistive technology into the user's lifestyle.
Course Competencies:
- To become knowledgeable and skilled in the area of assistive technologies
- To develop competencies in conducting person centered assessments in order to identify potential assistive technology applications
- To apply the use of assistive technology to enhance vocational opportunities and/or to improve performance in vocational settings
- To become familiar with the following areas of assistive technology applications: adaptations for daily living, augmentative/alternative communication, computer access, environmental control units, ergonomics, mobility, seating & positioning, switch use
- To research available assistive technologies using the World Wide Web, professional listserves, as well as books, journals, periodicals, and information acquired through assistive technology suppliers develop partnerships among other professionals (e.g., OT/PT, Speech/Language professionals, engineers) and to access community resources that may provide access to technical expertise
- To increase awareness and understanding about the most current and significant issues impacting the access and use of assistive technologies, including legislation, funding, advocacy, and family involvement
- To participate on a transdisciplinary "Virtual Tech Team" to identify an individual's specific assistive technology needs and provide appropriate recommendations to meet those needs
This course is designed to :
- Enable students to develop a philosophy and methods for providing counseling and related service to consumers who are culturally unique. Thus, students are expected to become "cross-cultural" counselor;
- Provide an overview and awareness of individuals and groups different than the majority in our society;
- Examine student's personal understanding, behaviors, and attitudes relating to persons different than themselves based on culture, gender, race, disability, sexual preference, age, etc.;
- Explore how student attitudes and behaviors can impact on counseling from a cross-cultural view; and
- Explore various agencies, institutions, and related resources that are "designed to provide services to cross-cultural groups" in order to generate alternative approaches (if needed) to best meet the needs of these individuals/groups.
NOTE : Although generalizations will be made, it is expected that all students will be aware of the "individual" and his/her needs!
ARP660 : Theory and Process of Counseling in Rehabilitation in Rehabilitation
This course is designed to accomplish three major purposes :
- To recognize that the person and the professional are intertwined;
- To build a personalized theory of counseling; and
- To apply it in contextually-related settings.
- The assignments in the course are designed to empower the student in taking responsibility for his/her own learning. Students are encouraged to meet deadlines given on the calendar pages and pace their learning to fit their personal needs. This practice is aligned with the CADR/ARPE philosophy to assume a learner-centered approach. Therefore it is the responsibility of the learner to complete the assignments in a timely manner at a level of quality befitting a Master's degree program of study.
The purposes and assignments have been created with the intention of creating an integrative experience for the student. Students are expected to acquire knowledge about themselves, theories and theorists and how they are intertwined by developing an integrated model of delivery. This integrative model should be reflective of the three purposes of the course and personal experiences.
Guiding Principles for Theory and Process of Counseling in Rehabilitation ensure that learner needs will drive the content and presentation technology . The Theory and Process of Counseling in Rehabilitation experience will be learner focused and self-paced. Students must recognize that this is a graduate program with graduate level course content, requirements and standards. Students must be self-directed learners. This is a community of learners, including faculty and staff, where each member assumes increasing amounts of responsibility for his/her own learning.
- develop a supportive and challenging learning environment where risk taking, introspection and self disclosure, theoretical knowledge acquisition, and integrative learning are valued.
- reinforce the philosophical orientation that knowledge of self and theoretical counseling models are highly intertwined and provide a foundation for counselor role and function.
- strive to reduce individual performance anxiety to a functional and productive level by completing specific integrative learning assignments and adhering to established timelines.
- create an inclusive teamwork ethic that contributes to and enhances individual and group learning and development. Development of an interactive norm with peers and instructors to assure successful completion of assignments.
- recognize that an expanded knowledge base of counseling theory is the foundation for developing a personalized counseling model that is congruent with one's own beliefs and values.
- accept the "almost absolute truth" that understanding of self is a pre-requisite for a deeper understanding of others. Invest yourself in the process of self discovery and disclosure.
- believe that being an introspective and "reflective practitioner" enhances the link between conceptual and applied learning. Think about what you're learning, how it "fits" who you are and how it bridges theory and practice.
- incorporate the understanding that student initiated inquiry (question asking behavior) is a highly sought after and sanctioned behavior. (i.e.: an overt demonstration that one is assuming some degree of responsibility for his/her own learning.)
- understand that a Personalized Counseling Theory and Delivery Model should have contiguous components and is continually evolving.
The purpose of this course is to provide a working knowledge of the skills required to engage in inquiry about educational and human service programs. This working knowledge will focus on two perspectives : (1) as a consumer of research and evaluation information, and (2) as a practitioner conducting these investigative efforts.
The students will, at the completion of this course, have acquired these competencies :
- Ability to evaluate the quality of research and program evaluation designs as well as procedures used to conduct investigations;
- Ability to conduct organized literature reviews of a given topic;
- Ability to critically evaluate published investigations to determine the quality of design, appropriateness of analysis procedures, and soundness of conclusions;
- Ability to select appropriate strategies and designs used in program evaluation and qualitative research;
- Ability to discern the differences between program evaluation, quantitative and qualitative approaches to inquiry;
- Ability to make appropriate choices regarding sampling, research design, statistical analysis and interpretation of results in conducting studies;
- Ability to construct instruments to record and quantify expressed attitudes and opinions;
- Ability to apply techniques used to define, observe, and quantify aspects of human behavior;
- Ability to apply probability theory and statistical analysis, and their relationship to the interpretation of findings of quantitative studies;
- Ability to explain the correct use of statistical measures of relationship and measures of difference;
- Understanding of descriptive and inferential statistical measures; and
- Exposure to computer applications used to enter, manipulate, display and analyze research and data.