
LMS Introduction

LMS Introduction


Getting Started

Welcome to the tutorial for the CDER online environment. It is designed to help you become familiar with the Learning Management System (LMS) that you will be using for your classes. The look and function of your class sites will be similar, but there will be slight differences depending on the course and the instructor.

Tip: When you are granted access to your classes at the beginning of each semester, take some time to explore the class sites and familiarize yourself with the interface, requirements, activities, schedule, and due dates.

  • Please feel free to explore, and do not be concerned that you will break something!
  • If you have any questions or concerns that are not answered here or in the Student Q&A Forum for your class, please send an email to the class Tech Support team. The email address to the class Tech Support is listed on the class site. If you cannot access the class site, send an email to
  • You may also post your question to the Student Q&A Forum, and an II-CDL team member will respond.

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Logging into the Learning Management System (LMS)

  • Open the LMS in your browser.
    NOTE: If this is your first class and you do not have a username and password for the LMS, it will be sent to you via email on the first day of the class.
    If you do not find the email that contains your username and password and the URL to the LMS in either your Inbox or Spam/Junk mail folder by 10 AM on the first day of the class, please contact

✔ Contact if you need to update your email address.

login screen

Enter your username and password, and click the Login button.

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Entering the Class Site

  • Select the course from My courses or click the tile for your class on the screen to enter the class site.

dashboard screen

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Forgotten Password

 forgotten password link


  • Enter your email address and click Search.
  • Click the link in the email you will receive to confirm the password change request.
    • A new browser window will confirm that an email has been sent to you.
  • Using the username and password in the email, log into the site.
  • After logging in, click your name on the top right side of the screen and click the "Change password" button.
  • Type in your password (the one in the email) once and new password twice.


✔Password requirements will be provided on the password reset page.

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Navigating the Main Page of the Class Site

Below is a typical class page. It is organized into four main sections, the top bars and three columns.

Top Section


Top Bar: Home, Dashboard, My Courses, and User Drop-down Menu

  • The bar across the top of the page displays links to access the Home, Dashboard, and My courses screens. On the right, the user menu is accessed by clicking the drop-down arrow next to your initials. Here you can set preferences, update your profile, and access your grades for all classes.

Blue Bar: Course, Participants, and Grades (Competencies not applicable)

  • Next, the blue Course Bar presents options in the context of the course. Course takes you to this page. Participants displays the other students and instructors enrolled in this class. Grades displays your grades for this class. Competencies is not used for your classes.
  • When you leave the main page, the blue bar may change or disappear.


Breadcrumb Navigation

  • When you leave the main page, navigational breadcrumbs on the upper right of the screen show your current location on the site. Each breadcrumb to the left of the current location is a link you can use to jump there.

✔ You can also use your browser Back arrow to return to the previous page, when applicable.


Three Columns


Below the top bars, the class site is divided into three columns. The left and right columns toggle to expand and collaps as you choose. The left column contains the course index, and the blocks in the right column provide convenient access to useful functions and information.


✔It is most important for you to become familiar with the center column, as it is the main part of the class site.


  • The left column contains the Course Index, where all the course contents and necessary links are listed by week.


  • The right column Block Drawer contains five blocks: Section Links, Important Links, Search Forums, Activities, and Program Links.

✔Remember to contact Technical Support if you have trouble accessing any feature or content.


Next we will review each column, starting with the left.

main class screen

Left Column: Course Index

AThe Course Index contains links to all the course content in the middle section.


Right Column: Section Links, Important Links, Search Forums, Activities, and Program Links

B Section Links

  • Click a week number in the Section Link block to move to a specific week of the class site more conveniently.

C Important Links include the Course Syllabus, Activity Details, and Research Tutorial pages. You will be held responsible for knowing this information. If you have questions about any of the content, contact your instructor.

D The Search Forums block lets you search for a particular phrase or text string across all forums.

E The Activities block allows you to view all activities grouped by type.

✔All activities are also available in the Weekly outline (see next section).

F The Program Links block contains a link to the Master’s program web page.


Middle Column: Course Contents (Weekly Outline)


G Welcome and Week Sections

✔The Welcome section contains important information that you will refer to often in the course, such as Class Announcements, Instructor and Tech Support contact information, Student Q&A for answers to common questions, and links other key course information.
✔The Week sections contain content, assignments, and other key information for that specific week.


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Week Sections (Topic Sections)

weekly section

  • This is a typical Week section. The Week heading shows the dates and topic for the week.
  • The options will vary depending on the individual course and its content.
  • A typical Week section is further divided into a Video or Presentation to be viewed, Reading assignments, and useful Resources.
  • Activities to be done during the week are listed here. If assignments are due, the Due date and time may be listed here.
  • Some of the content is informational text, and some is linked.
  • If the text is a link, the link will take you to the presentation, web page, or other resource or activity.

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  • Activities will vary depending on the course.
  • Examples of typical Activities include forums for class discussion, quizzes, and written assignments.
  • A detailed description of the Activities for each course can be found on the Activity Details page.
  • The Activity Details page can be accessed from the Welcome Section at the top of the Weekly outline. It can also be accessed from the Important Links block.

✔It will provide requirements for each activity, including due dates and grading criteria.

✔Read the Activity Details page carefully, and refer to it often throughout the course.

✔Make sure you understand everything and ask for clarification if you are unsure.

  • Each Activity can be found under its Week section (shown above).
  • Each Activity can also be found by its type under the Activities block.

✔Each Activity can be accessed from its Week section, the Course Index and the Activities block.


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Viewing Your Grades

  • Click the  the Grades menu item on the course menu bar.

  • You will see a list of assigned activities for the class.
  • Grades and feedback from your instructor will be posted here as you turn in your work and your instructor grades it.

Do not be concerned if you see 0.00 or missing grades for activities that you have not submitted or activities that have not been graded yet. That is not your final grade; it will be updated when you have submitted your work and your instructor has finished grading it.

user report of grades

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