Participant Policy Papers
In the recent NRLI Cohorts, the participants worked in small groups to address the key issues that are impacting the public program of Vocational Rehabilitation today and in the future. These groups used an organizational development model that is used by NRLI. The importance of the papers is that the discussions, content, and recommendations have been developed by current practitioners and leaders in their respective State VR agencies. Selected papers were presented at the CSAVR Leadership Forum and national meeting. Feel free to read these papers and share your thoughts with a member of the group.
2024 NRLI Policy Papers
- Correcting the Funding Mechanism for Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS)
- Exploring the Benefits of a 32-Hour Workweek with No Pay Reduction: Enhancing Productivity, Recruitment, Retention and Employee Well-Being in Vocational Rehabilitation Agencies
- Employ Your Hidden Voice: Increasing Advocacy to Improve Employment Outcomes for Individuals with Mental Health Disabilities
- Review of the Non-Federal VR Match Requirement
- Rapid Consumer Engagement and Modernization
- Cross-Pollination Between VR Agencies
- Closing the Gap: Addressing Training and Support Needs for Incoming VR Field Staff
- Transforming Public Perception of Vocational Rehabilitation
2023 NRLI Policy Papers
- Overcoming Workforce Challenges in Vocational Rehabilitation Programs: Exploring Recruitment and Retention Strategies
- Defining Quality Pre-Employment Transition Services in the Vocational Rehabilitation Program
- Realigning Vocational Rehabilitation with Its Core Mission
- Reimagining Eligibility Criteria for Vocational Rehabilitation Services under WIOA: A Call for Empowering VR Counselors
- Promoting the Promise of Prosperity through Vocational Rehabilitation
- A Decade of Reflection: Enhancing Pre-Employment Transition Services